(4 portions)
125 g butter (Smör)
2 dl milk (Mjölk)
4 dl flour (Mjöl)
2 eggs (Ägg)
1 tsp sugar (Socker)
1 tsp baking powder (Bakpulver)
2 dl cold water
a pinch of salt
Melt the butter and let it cool.
Whisk together the milk, flour, eggs, sugar and baking powder into a smooth batter.
Add the melted butter, a pinch of salt and cold water.
Preheat the waffle iron and make sure to brush the surface with some oil/butter, so the waffles won't stick. Bake your waffles and as they are ready, place them on a cooling rack so they don't get soggy. Serve them as soon as possible together with a dollop of slightly sweetened whipped cream, some lingonberry or other jam and a dusting of icing sugar.